1 – About Me

Hello.  My name is Denise and I live in the north-east of England.  A former civil servant, I then went on to work as a disability adviser, a sign language communicator, a person-centred counsellor and a manager of residential homes for young adults with disabilities, these responsibilities overlapping regularly.

Training in person-centred counselling took place over several years and I achieved a certificate in further counselling skills in 1996, followed by the diploma in humanistic counselling in 1999.

In December 2017, I upgraded my knowledge of counselling, to be able to be there for those who have lost a beloved pet.  Not everyone understands the grief experienced when an animal friend dies and lack of others’ understanding leaves the grieving person with no-one to turn to.

April 2020 saw me complete an ‘online and telephone’ counselling foundation course (particularly relevant in the times of the COVID-19 coronavirus situation), designed to allow the experienced face-to-face counsellor recognise the differences between the process of counselling clients physically present and those on the phone and online.


My counselling experience includes:-

John Richardson trust – voluntary work

British Deaf Association – paid employment

James Cook Hospital (staff counsellor) – both voluntary and paid employment

Private work with GPs and hospitals

Counsellor at Butterwick Hospice, Bishop Auckland

Private clients (both face to face and over the phone).

School Counsellor.

I have also worked (on a voluntary basis) as a facilitator for loneliness groups and for dementia groups (partners of people with dementia). I make myself available for working in a therapuetic capacity with people with dementia and their partners.


Relevant Qualifications Held – certificate in advanced counselling skills, diploma in person-centred / humanistic counselling / certificate in online and telephone counselling, diploma in health and social care / diploma in pet bereavement counselling / stage III British Sign Language / level 2 in lipspeaking / disability awareness training.


Particular Experience and Interest

I have particular experience and interest in :-

  • working with partners / spouses of individuals with Asperger’s, whether this is already diagnosed, or is up for consideration
  • working with individuals who have some degree of hearing loss / profoundly deaf, as well as with their partners / people of importance
  • working in the care environment, interacting with individuals displaying dementia, Alzheimers and / or loneliness.


How I Present Myself

I bring to you an affable (friendly, good-natured and easy to talk to) personality within my work as a counsellor and a wealth of experience gained from both life’s ups and downs and work environments.

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